Georgetown University Law Center Faculty Dining Room, Hotung Room 2001

550 First Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Health disparities are a tragic reality for many Americans, particularly within communities of color. Black men face significant disparities in many levels of health outcomes including, access to health care, access to information about treatment and prevention options for health conditions, discrimination within health care services and increased risk factors for certain conditions resulting from societal level structural inequalities. This session of the Colloquium will discuss the health disparities that exist for Black men and Black gay men in America today, the ways in which these disparities are being addressed and the role that law and policy can play in eliminating health disparities across racial and gender lines for all people.

Mr. Sean Bland, Associate, O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law

Featured Panelists:
Associate Professor Roland Thorpe, Faculty Director, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Mr. Jordan White, Coordinator, Johns Hopkins Center for AIDS Research
Mr. Kenyon Farrow, US & Global Health Policy Director, Treatment Action Group

2016 O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law Colloquium
The purpose of the Colloquium is to engage leading experts, Georgetown Law students and faculty, and interested members of the public in an enriching dialogue surrounding current and pressing issues in global health law, policy and governance. The 2016 Colloquium will address two themes. First, at a time of increasing inequality, economic uncertainty, and evolving health and other threats, how can health law and public health be used to foster security—personal, community, national, and ultimately global security that leads to healthier populations the world over? And, second, what are the roles of different stakeholders in effecting policy change and how can lawyers and others advance change through different roles, whether as government policymakers, community advocates, researchers, or litigators?

The O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University is the premier center for health law, scholarship, and policy. Its mission is to contribute to a more powerful and deeper understanding of the multiple ways in which law can be used to improve the public’s health, using objective evidence as a measure. The O’Neill Institute seeks to advance scholarship, science, research, and teaching that will encourage key decision-makers in the public, private, and civil society to employ the law as a positive tool for enabling more people in the United States and throughout the world to lead healthier lives.

The O’Neill Institute Colloquium is open to all students, faculty, staff, and interested members of the public.


Health Equity Racial Equity