Georgetown Law’s health law courses are taught by a diverse faculty of academics, subject matter experts, and practitioners from government, international organizations, and private practice. See below for a full list of current health law faculty.

Sarah A. Altschuller Adjunct Professor of Law

Isabel Barbosa Adjunct Professor of Law

Melanie M. Benesh Adjunct Professor of Law

Christa H. Bierma Adjunct Professor of Law

M. Gregg Bloche Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Health Law, Policy, and Ethics

Sarah Bosha Visiting Professor of Law

James A. Bulen, Jr. Adjunct Professor of Law

Gian Luca Burci Senior Scholar

Oscar A. Cabrera Visiting Professor of Law

Sonia L. Canzater Adjunct Professor of Law

Susan Crockin Adjunct Professor of Law

Jeffrey S. Crowley Adjunct Professor of Law

Scott D. Danzis Adjunct Professor of Law

Nicholas J. Diamond Adjunct Professor of Law

Scott E. Faber Adjunct Professor of Law

Heidi Li Feldman Professor of Law

Alexandra Finch Adjunct Professor of Law

Sheila E. Fleischhacker Adjunct Professor of Law

Gregory W. Fortsch Adjunct Professor of Law

Jennifer Geetter Adjunct Professor of Law

Katherine Ginsbach Associate

Jennifer A. Goldberg Adjunct Professor of Law

Fanny Gomez-Lugo Adjunct Professor of Law

Lawrence O. Gostin University Professor
Katie Gottschalk Executive Director

Anand Grover Adjunct Professor of Law

Sam Halabi Senior Scholar

Tricia A. Hoefling Adjunct Professor of Law

Daniel Hougendobler Affiliate Professor of Law

David Hyman Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Health Law & Policy

Kendra Isaacson Adjunct Professor of Law

Justin M. Jacinto Adjunct Professor of Law

Bette Jacobs Professor

Bonnie Jenkins Adjunct Professor of Law

Katie Keith Adjunct Professor of Law

Eric R. Keller Adjunct Professor of Law

Amitabh Khardori Adjunct Professor of Law

Richard F. Kingham Adjunct Professor of Law

Kevin A. Klock Scholar

Deepti A. Kulkarni Adjunct Professor of Law

Joshua A. Levy Adjunct Professor of Law

Daniel Lucey Adjunct Professor of Law

Roger Magnusson Adjunct Professor of Law

William A. McConagha Adjunct Professor of Law

Heather E. Meade Adjunct Professor of Law

Rikin S. Mehta Adjunct Professor of Law

Naomi Mezey Professor of Law

Jonathan E. Missner Adjunct Professor of Law

Preston Mitchum Adjunct Professor of Law

John Monahan Special Lecturer

Lelia Mooney Sirotinsky Adjunct Professor of Law

Anne E. Moran Adjunct Professor of Law

Jill Morrison Visiting Professor of Law

Kirk Ogrosky Adjunct Professor of Law

Susan Pascocello Adjunct Professor of Law

Alexandra Phelan Adjunct Professor of Law

Aliya S. Robinson Adjunct Professor of Law

Margaret Ellen Roggensack Adjunct Professor of Law

Silvia Serrano Adjunct Professor of Law

Jared H. Silberman Adjunct Professor of Law

Michael Stoto Adjunct Professor of Law

Elisabeth Theodore Adjunct Professor of Law

Wayne Turner Adjunct Professor of Law

Jayashree Watal Adjunct Professor of Law

Robert N. Weiner Adjunct Professor of Law

Shelly Weizman Adjunct Professor of Law

Timothy Westmoreland Professor from Practice

Sarah Wetter Adjunct Professor of Law