Georgetown University Law Center

The protection and pursuit of rights for individuals with disabilities is a critical and underserved area of health law in many parts of the world. In this session of the colloquium, our expert panel will look at the legal and health issues facing individuals with disabilities, the legal and policy mechanisms that are used to promote the rights of individuals with disabilities, the struggles that advocates undertake to bring these issues into the spotlight and the ways that advocates work to ensure the enforcement of rights at both the domestic and international level.

Featured Panelists:

Ms. Eve Hill, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice
Mr. Eric Rosenthal, Founder, Disability Rights International
Mr. Henry Claypool, Former Director, Department of Health & Human Services Office of Disability

2016 O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law ColloquiumThe purpose of the Colloquium is to engage leading experts, Georgetown Law students and faculty, and interested members of the public in an enriching dialogue surrounding current and pressing issues in global health law, policy and governance. The 2016 Colloquium will address two themes. First, at a time of increasing inequality, economic uncertainty, and evolving health and other threats, how can health law and public health be used to foster security—personal, community, national, and ultimately global security that leads to healthier populations the world over? And, second, what are the roles of different stakeholders in effecting policy change and how can lawyers and others advance change through different roles, whether as government policymakers, community advocates, researchers, or litigators?

The O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University is the premier center for health law, scholarship, and policy. Its mission is to contribute to a more powerful and deeper understanding of the multiple ways in which law can be used to improve the public’s health, using objective evidence as a measure. The O’Neill Institute seeks to advance scholarship, science, research, and teaching that will encourage key decision-makers in the public, private, and civil society to employ the law as a positive tool for enabling more people in the United States and throughout the world to lead healthier lives.

The O’Neill Institute Colloquium is open to all students, faculty, staff, and interested members of the public.


Global Health Law Health Equity