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Although studies on evidentiary reasoning in law have a long and fruitful tradition in Anglo-Saxon countries, it can be said that the number and the sophistication of debates has grown exponentially since the 1960s. More recently, the same phenomenon has occurred in other latitudes, as is the case of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese-speaking countries or China.

In this time, a multidisciplinary approach to evidentiary studies has also been consolidated, ranging from procedural law, constitutional law, legal epistemology or the philosophy of law, to the theory of probabilities, the philosophy of science and the very diverse scientific and technical disciplines that are increasingly called to bring expert knowledge to the case.

Many international congresses have been convened to discuss the theoretical progress that has taken place. But there is still a need for a regular event that can be a reference for the entire international legal community interested in the subject, bringing together researchers in the field of legal evidentiary reasoning and interested lawyers, judges, prosecutors, and which may be a mandatory reference for those studying the matter.

For this reason, with the antecedent of the 1st World Congress on Evidentiary Reasoning, held in Girona in 2018, we intend to organize every three years, also in Girona, a new edition of that world congress, now under the name Michele Taruffo Girona Evidence Week.

The official languages of the event will be English and Spanish, with simultaneous translation between the two of them.


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