Georgetown Law

Promotional graphic for "Social Justice, Social Determinants of Health, and Poverty"

Health justice as a movement and research framework leverages law, policy, and institutions to dismantle inequitable power distributions and accompanying patterns of marginalization that are the root causes of health inequity. Legal advocacy is key to health justice because vulnerable patient populations often experience legal needs in housing, public benefits, employment, education, immigration, domestic violence, and other areas of law that impact their health. In medical-legal partnerships, lawyers and healthcare providers are uniquely positioned to collaborate to remove legal barriers to patients’ health, advocate for structural reform, and build community power — and to advance health justice.

Join us on Wednesday, February 26, at 12 p.m. ET for the second session of the O’Neill J.D. Colloquium series with Professor Yael Cannon. Food will be provided!


Health Equity

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