Applying novel approaches for addressing long-term structural poverty and inequality in the United States.


Prosperity in the United States is distributed unevenly. Deep and persistent levels of economic, social, and health inequalities throughout the nation negatively shape health and socioeconomic outcomes, particularly in communities facing long-term structural poverty and inequality.

The Center for Community Health Innovation and partners at the McCourt School of Public Policy are drawing upon examples from non-Western regions that are pioneering initiatives that strengthen social determinant-based economic and population health outcomes. Through a series of in-person and virtual dialogues, the project will harvest innovative ideas from around the world to policymakers in the United States. In doing so, we will create an analytic framework tool for policymakers to evaluate policy designs in similar future projects.

Our Team

Our Team

Jennifer Li Headshot

Jennifer Li Director

Sara Pollock Hoverter Headshot

Sara Pollock Hoverter Director

Cody Thompson Headshot

Cody Thompson Program Coordinator