This area of work develops technical analyses of international and comparative domestic law to inform litigation and law and policy reform processes at the national, regional, and global levels. Using the lens of commercial determinants of health, we focus on modifiable risk factors, including tobacco, alcohol, and unhealthy diets, prioritizing accountability and the regulation of corporate actors. The Health and Human Rights Initiative advances work on noncommunicable diseases prevention, tobacco control, and obesity prevention through research, capacity building, and strategic use of the law.
Featured Work

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) Hearing on Tobacco Control and Human Rights
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Nudging vs. Strong Regulations: Will the Brazilian Regulation Regarding Food Labeling Survive?
Daniela Naomi Shimakukuro Nomura
La Salud Sobre Intereses Corporativos: Una Decisión Notable Sobre Control De Tabaco En Uruguay (Health Over Corporate Interests: A Remarkable Decision on Tobacco Control in Uruguay)
Valentina Castagnari Oscar A. Cabrera Silvia Serrano-Guzmán