March 1, 2022

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In Mozambique, an estimated 2,130,428 people are living with HIV (123,817 people <15 years old and 2,006,611 people >15 years old). PEPFAR estimates that by Quarter 4 2020, 75% or approximately 1.6 million people with HIV were on antiretroviral treatment (ART). For certain age bands and communities, treatment coverage is much lower, such as young men 20-29, whose treatment coverage is only 41%. In the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic as well as the ongoing conflict in the North, during FY21, Mozambique expanded its treatment program by over 250,000 people, achieving the highest TX_NET_NEW (new people initiated and retained on treatment) in the program’s history. However, Mozambique has the second largest HIV epidemic in the world, and is far off track from achieving epidemic control. Among PEPFAR-supported countries, there are 5.7 million people not yet on antiretroviral treatment (ART); an estimated 11% of those are in Mozambique, second only to unmet need for ART in South Africa.

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