Our Experts

Sara Allinder Headshot

Sara Allinder Deputy Director

Aneja, Kashish Headshot

Kashish Aneja Lead, Initiatives in Asia

Amanda Banda Headshot

Amanda Banda Scholar

Sarah Bosha Headshot

Sarah L. Bosha Director

Jeff Crowley Headshot

Jeffrey S. Crowley Director

Ngozi Erondu Headshot

Ngozi Erondu Senior Scholar

Anand Grover Headshot

Anand Grover Senior Scholar

Mark Heywood Headshot

Mark Heywood Senior Scholar

Charles Holmes Headshot

Charles Holmes Director

Daya Nath Headshot

Dayanath Jayasuriya Senior Scholar

Mattt Kavanagh Headshot

Matthew M. Kavanagh Director

Susan Kim Headshot

Susan C. Kim Scholar

Bernhard Liese Headshot

Bernhard Liese Senior Scholar

Daniel Lucey Headshot

Daniel Lucey Senior Scholar

Sharonann Lynch Headshot

Sharonann Lynch Co-Director

Keletso Makofane Headshot

Keletso Makofane Scholar

Gregorio (Greg) Millett Headshot

Gregorio Millett Senior Scholar

David Patterson Headshot

David Patterson Senior Scholar

Alana Sharp Headshot

Alana Sharp Scholar

Renu Singh Headshot

Renu Singh Scholar


Infectious Diseases

Building robust and equitable legal, regulatory, and policy responses to the epidemics of HIV and hepatitis in the United States.

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Blantyre Prevention Strategy

Developing a replicable model for effective HIV prevention by defining, optimizing, and embedding core capabilities to successfully end the epidemic and strengthen health security.

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HIV Prevention Policy Project

Engaging with people living with HIV, researchers, and federal, state, and local policymakers to understand and advance effective HIV prevention in the United States.

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HIV Policy Project

Working to maintain and bolster the U.S. response to the domestic HIV epidemic, including efforts to sustain, advance, and adapt the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.

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HIV Policy Lab

Tracking, measuring, and improving HIV-related law and policy environment in countries around the world.

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