O'Neill Institute  |  August 15, 2022

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Diagnosing, connecting to care, and providing a range of social and clinical supports to facilitate continued engagement in care for all people living with HIV is complex, yet achievable. Between 2010 and 2020, the estimate of people living with HIV in the U.S. that had reached HIV viral suppression more than doubled, reaching 64.6%. Viral suppression was even higher for persons who received at least one outpatient medical service through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, totaling 89.4%.

This trajectory of progress, however, belies large disparities in access and outcomes, with varying progress and challenges across the continuum. There are many reasons why people living with HIV may experience interruptions or barriers to care; stigma and discrimination are additional barriers and can even act to compound other barriers. New thinking and urgent action can have a large impact on improving linkage to HIV care, sustaining engagement in care, and addressing interruptions to care.

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