Join APCASO, the Diagnostics Equity Consortium (DEC), and the Treatment Action Group (TAG) for a two-part study club series focused on the Asia-Pacific region. This series will explore the evolving TB diagnostic landscape and strategies to increase TB testing coverage in the region and beyond.
In the first session, we will dive into the current TB testing gap and explore the latest testing tools and strategies that have the potential to drive change in the region.
- Mangala Namasivayam, Program Manager, APCASO
- Patricia Hall-Eidson, Diagnostics Team Lead, Global Programme on Tuberculosis & Lung Health, WHO
- Morten Ruhwald, Director, Tuberculosis Programme, FIND
- Florita Dalida, RN, Founder, TB HEALS Patient Alliance, Philippines
- Sharonann Lynch, Co-Director, Center for Global Health Policy and Politics, O’Neill Institute