
Repositorio: El derecho a la salud en la jurisprudencia mexicana, latinoamericana e internacional (The Repository: The Right to Health in Mexican, Latin American, and International Jurisprudence) includes close to 200 judicial decisions issued between 2011 to 2022 — compiled with the objective of identifying and disseminating judgements that contribute to advancing the right to health in all its dimensions.

The database includes emblematic health-related rulings from the Mexican Federal Courts and the Supreme Court; High Courts in Latin America and the Interamerican Court; as well as decisions issued by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in individual communications.

Our Work

The repository was created by the Center for Health and Human Rights, in partnership with the Mexican Consejo de la Judicatura (Mexican Judicial Council). In conjunction with a group of researchers, our team identified, assessed, and codified decisions issued by the identified judicial authorities, selecting those that decided favorably on health-related issues and contributed to setting progressive standards on the right to health. The selected cases were thoroughly analyzed and summarized into fact sheets containing the main factual and substantive issues discussed in the cases for easy access and dissemination.

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Our Team

Gloria Porras Headshot

Gloria Patricia Porras Escobar Distinguished Visitor

Valentina Castagnari Headshot

Valentina Castagnari Associate

Fernanda Rodríguez-Pliego Headshot

Fernanda Rodríguez-Pliego Associate

Tavor Ramirez Headshot

Ariadna Tovar Ramírez Senior Consultant