Journal of the American Medical Association
Journal Article
The Lancet
Lawrence O. Gostin Eric A. Friedman Ibrahim Abubakar, Ranieri Guerra, Sabina F Rashid, Zsuzsanna Jakab
WHO takes action to promote the health of refugees and migrants
Health Affairs
Katie Keith
Litigation Continues; Payment Rule Arrives
Journal Article
Annals of Global Health
Matthew M. Kavanagh Lixue Chen
Governance and Health Aid from the Global Fund: Effects Beyond Fighting Disease
National Governors Association
Regina LaBelle Sonia L. Canzater
State Approaches to Addressing the Infectious Disease Consequences of the Opioid Epidemic: Insights from an NGA Learning Lab
National Governors Association
Sonia L. Canzater Regina LaBelle Melinda Becker, Kirk Williamson
Addressing the rise of infectious disease related to injection drug use: Lessons learned from Kentucky
Journal Article
The Lancet
Carmel Williams, Paul Hunt
Health rights are the bridge between law and health
Health Affairs
Lawrence O. Gostin Eric A. Friedman
The Lancet Commission on Global Health Law: How Law Can Advance the Right To Health
Journal Article
The Lancet
Selina Lowe, Richard Horton
Legal determinants of health: facing global health challenges
The Lancet
Lawrence O. Gostin John Monahan Mary C. DeBartolo Eric A. Friedman Susan C. Kim Gian Luca Burci Jenny Kaldor, Ala Alwan, Agnes Binagwaho, Luisa Cabal, Katherine DeLand, Timothy Grant Evans, Eric Goosby, Sara Hossain & Howard Koh
The legal determinants of health: harnessing the power of law for global health and sustainable development
Journal Article
Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA)
Lawrence O. Gostin Scott C. Ratzan & Barry R. Bloom
Safe Vaccinations for a Healthy Nation Increasing US Vaccine Coverage Through Law, Science, and Communication
Quick Take
O'Neill Institute
Jeffrey S. Crowley Sean Bland
The U.S. STI Crisis
Journal Article
American Journal of Public Health
The Hill
Lawrence O. Gostin James G. Hodge Jr .
Potential Discrimination in NYC’s Measles Public Health Emergency Order
Submission to Court
HHRI; Due Process of Law Foundation; Instituto de Democracia y Derechos Humanos, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; Núcleo de Estudios en Sistemas Internacionales de Derechos Humanos, Universidad Federal de Paraná; Clínica de Derechos Humanos, Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa; Clínica Internacional de Derechos Humanos CUCSH-Universidad de Guadalajara
Amicus Brief – Lhaka Honhat vs. Argentina (Corte IDH / IACtHR)
Legal Case
O'Neill Institute
Andrés Constantin Cristina Blanco, Daniel Cerqueira, Angel Cabrera, Marcela Rivera, Melina Fachin, Salvador Herencia Carrasco
Amicus Curiae: Estándares internacionales y jurisprudencia comparada sobre demarcación de territorios indígenas y Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales
The Washington Post
Roll Call
Jeffrey S. Crowley
Trump’s HIV Plan Is Bold. But Can He Back It Up?
Journal Article
John Stephens Bella Hwang, Amir Shroufi, Tinne Gils, Sarah Jane Steele, Anna Grimsrud, Andrew Boulle, Anele Yawa, Sasha Stevenson, Lauren Jankelowitz, Marije Versteeg-Mojanaga, Indira Govender, Julia Hill, Kristal Duncan, Gilles van Cutsem
Stock-outs of antiretroviral and tuberculosis medicines in South Africa: A national cross-sectional survey
Journal Article
Health Affairs
Katie Keith
New Year Brings New ACA Developments
Fact Sheet
O'Neill Institute
Eric Lindblom
FDA “Filtered/Little Cigar” FOIA Documents
Journal Article
Tobacco Regulatory Science
Eric Lindblom Andrea C. Johnson, Tiffany Gray, George Luta, Darren Mays
How and Why Consumers View “Little Cigars” as Legally-defined Cigarettes
The Milbank Quaterly