The Global Center for Legal Innovations on Food Environments has developed seminar and practicum courses as well as a series of short courses and virtual trainings on healthy food law and policy, held at Georgetown Law during the 2024-2025 academic year.
O’Neill Institute Practicum: Regulating Alcohol, Tobacco & Food in International and Comparative Law (Project-Based Practicum) (LAW 1209 v02)
In a project-based practicum course, students participate in a weekly seminar and work on a project under the supervision of their professors. This course explores the challenges and opportunities of using law to address risk factors that contribute to the rising prevalence of NCDs, such as unhealthy diets, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption. By taking an international and comparative approach, it navigates the theory behind the regulation of risk factors to NCDs in relation to concrete examples from around the world, with a particular emphasis on Latin America, where considerable progress has happened in recent years. Students will participate in a two-hour/week seminar and carry out 10 hours/week of project work under the direction of the course professors.
Faculty: Isabel M. Barbosa, Margherita M. Cinà
Industry Epidemics: NCDs, Commercial Risk Factors and the Law (LAW 3114 v00)
This seminar will examine the role of law and policy in addressing modifiable risk factors that contribute to the rising prevalence of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). Risk factors to be addressed include: tobacco use, unhealthy diets, and the harmful use of alcohol. Materials and discussions will probe questions such as: What are the best regulatory practices to deal with NCDs risk factors? How do transnational corporations contribute to the spread of non-communicable diseases? How do different international legal regimes come into play in addressing risk factors? What are the opportunities and challenges of using law & policy to address NCDs’ commercial risk factors? Throughout this course we will have opportunities to consider how law and policy shape contemporary legal discussions related to NCDs, such as tobacco plain packaging, alcohol sponsorship, childhood obesity, commercial speech and food labeling, and targeted marketing strategies.
Faculty: Isabel M. Barbosa, Valentina Castagnari